コンセプトブランド 1$WONDERLAND CEO
1988.11.15. 佐賀県唐津市出身
Katsuyuki Muramasu is a Japanese illustrator, born in Karatsu city, Saga prefecture, Japan on November 15th 1988. He is known for his style “Visualization of Wordplay“, He has been actively involved in music since his school days. After graduating from high school, he went on to a musical technical college in Fukuoka.He then continued his activities as a musician, but in the pursuit of expression and fun, he came across painting and developed his current style.Through his works, he faces himself from a new angle and acts as a conceptor who finds "love" in the world.
『言葉遊びを可視化する』スタイルのイラストレーター 作品を通して新たな角度から自分を見詰め、世界に”愛”見付けるコンセプターとしての活動を行う。 Love is art. Struggle is beauty.